Blog Archive

Capstone Blog Series #4: The Home Stretch

Looking back it feels like this quarter has somehow been shorter than the rest...

Capstone Blog Series #3: Stuck in the Middle

While it worked out in the end it could have been much simpler...

Capstone Blog Series #2: Unity - First Impressions

Working with Unity has been a lot of fun, I actually can’t wait to learn more.

Capstone Blog Series #1: Introductions

To speak plainly, I selected the projects that sounded like the most fun...


Sorry for the huge delay in updates... I finally graduated!

Fun with Shaders

Now that we're about halfway through the quarter...

Wrapping Up Fall '22

The Fall 2022 term at OSU is over and it was my busiest yet...

Another Short Post

I can't believe the Spring '22 term is almost over!